Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bakken News Roundup - August 21, 2012

Active Rigs - 197, down 2 from yesterday

Bowman County...looks like Continental is going to try again...

#23574  -  CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC., ERIC 22-24SH, SENW 24-130N-106W, BOWMAN CO., 1650' FNL and 1800' FWL, DEVELOPMENT, CEDAR HILLS, 'Tight Hole', 2959' Ground, API #33 011-01510

McLean County...Marathon reports big well...

21852 - MARATHON OIL COMPANY, ONE FEATHER USA  31-17H, NWNE 17-150N-90W, MCLEAN CO., 1526 bopd, 1917 bwpd - BAKKEN

Burke County...three wells reporting initial production...

#20076 - EOG RESOURCES, INC., VANVILLE   15-1102H, SESW 11-159N-91W, BURKE CO., 273 bopd, 485 bwpd - BAKKEN

#22038 - OASIS PETROLEUM NORTH AMERICA LLC, WILLIE   5992 12-8H, NENW 8-159N-92W, BURKE CO., 1025 bopd, 4463 bwpd - BAKKEN

#22217 - CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC., BARMOEN  1-18H, SWSE 18-160N-94W, BURKE CO., 356 bopd, 2083 bwpd - BAKKEN

An investigation is underway into a well blowout at a Zavanna site in Williams County that resulted in the death of one worker and the spilling of an undisclosed amount of oil. Read more...

The state Industrial Commission has asked N-Flex LLC for more information about its financial assumptions and feasibility of the company's proposed gas-to-fertilizer plan and delayed the $1 million grant N-Flex has requested. Read more...

Richardton city commissioners voted unanimously on Monday to allow annexation of nearly 80 acres of land south of the city's railroad tracks for a fracking sand railroad depot. A hearing will be held Oct. 8 at the Richardton City Hall where the public will be able to get more information about the project. Read more...

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