Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Denmark Connection

Reuters is reporting today that Denmark has become one of the first countries to begin processing so-called "second-generation" biofuels. According to the article, a recently-completed demonstration plant will convert 30,000 tons of straw annually to produce 5.4 million litres of bioethanol for cars, 13,000 tons of coal-substitute pellets for power plants and 11,000 tons of molasses for animal feed. The plant was built by state-owned DONG Energy.

The article quotes officials of Great River Energy as expressing interest in partnering with DONG to build a similar plant near the coal-fired electricity plant under construction near Spiritwood. Great River is already working with Danish experts to create a biofuel co-firing component for that project.

A Danish government press release on today's events is available here.

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