Tuesday, December 15, 2009

EERC Licenses Energy Technology

The Energy and Environmental Research Center at the University of North Dakota has recently announced partnerships for two of its energy technologies.  The first of these is an exclusive licensing agreement with Whole Energy Fuels Corporation, headquartered in Bellingham, Washington, to commercialize the EERC's cellulosic biofuel technology.

According to EERC Senior Research Advisor Ed Olson, "This technology will ultimately be used to improve engine performance using a renewable product, both in gasoline and diesel engines. In the case of diesel fuel, our additives will boost the cetane levels, improve flow properties and, most importantly, reduce particulate emissions."

In addition, the EERC announced today an agreement with Texas-based Accelergy Corporation to license a proprietary technology that Accelergy will use in its coal-to-liquids process that creates jet fuel for military applications. The EERC has been active in developing renewable military jet fuel technology in response to a United States Air Force mandate to procure 50 percent of its fuel sources domestically and from greener sources.

In July, the EERC was awarded a subcontract as part of a project to develop jet fuel from algae. The project is funded by the US Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Under a previous DARPA contract, the EERC devised a process that can use various crop oil feedstocks to produce combinations of renewable jet fuel, diesel, and naphtha. The same technology will be used to harvest algae oils, according to the EERC.

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