Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Wind Farms Completed

Iberdrola Renewables announced earlier this week that it has completed construction of its 149-MW Rugby Wind Power Project in Pierce County. The project, which cost approximately $300 million, consists of 71 turbines and will support 29 full-time jobs.

Missouri River Energy Services has purchased 40 MW of the project's output, enough electricity to power almost 11,000 homes. Based in Sioux Falls, SD, Missouri River Energy is an organization of 60 member communities in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. Iberdrola Renewables continues to seek customers for the rest of the Rugby Wind output.

Iberdrola Renewables, headquartered in Portland, OR, now operates more than 3,500 MW of wind power projects in the United States.

Meanwhile, Basin Electric Cooperative announced today that its $250 million Prairie Winds 1 project near Max is now operational. Prairie Winds 1 consists of 77 turbines that generate a total of just over 115 MW. The project interconnects with a new substation that in turn connects to a Western Area Power Administration transmission line with a capacity of 115 kilovolts.

Basin plans to build a second Prairie Winds facility in central South Dakota beginning in mid 2010. That project will consist of 101 turbines designed to generate just over 100 megawatts. In addition, Basin has partnered with Florida-based NextEra Resources to construct a second South Dakota wind farm near Groton in Day County. Construction of the 66 1.5 MW turbines began in November with a projected completion date of May 2010.

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